Top 10 Mugabe Quotes
Top 10 Mugabe Quotes
- Some women's Legs are just like rumors, they Keep on spreading
- you cannot be-witch a Kenyan Lady these days using her Hair because every time you take her hair to the witch doctor you end up bewitching an innocent Indian or Brazilian lady
- if you are ugly, accept it. stop talking about inner beauty because people do not walk around with X rays
- my dear women, do not tolerate a man who only texts you I MISS YOU when it is only raining because you are not an umbrella
- Why do women deny us a hole they did not drill in their bodies by themselves yet accuse men of being stingy with the money they worked hard for
- girls are selfish because they cannot jog for 10 minutes yet expect a man to last in bed for 2 hours
- when you have sex with a girl from another country, do it well because you represent the whole country
- a man is like shoe string, he will have to pass through a lot of holes before he ties the knot
- Every bad thing is associated with black, Satan, the devil, evil but as long I am using a white toilet paper to wipe my ass then I am fine with that
- some girls don't work out but they are physically fit because they run from one man to another
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