
Showing posts from February, 2017

Top 10 Mugabe Quotes

Top 10 Mugabe Quotes Some women's Legs are just like rumors, they Keep on spreading you cannot be-witch a Kenyan Lady these days using her Hair because every time you take her hair to the witch doctor you end up bewitching an innocent Indian or Brazilian lady if you are ugly, accept it. stop talking about inner beauty because people do not walk around with X rays my dear women, do not tolerate a man who only texts you I MISS YOU when it is only raining because you are not an umbrella Why do women deny us a hole they did not drill in their bodies by themselves yet accuse men of being stingy with the money they worked hard for


Kamlesh had a project for painting his house. He invited bidders to bid on his project. three bidders bided as follows; Onyango Bided Ksh 100 000, Kamau Bided 20 000 and Wafula bided 50 000. so they were asked to explain how they were planning to execute the job. They explained as follows;  Onyango : I will hire machinery worth Ksh 40 000, then use 20 000 on labor and 20 000 on the material, the remaining 20 000 will be for my workmanship. Kamau: I will use 5 000 on the machinery, then use 5 000 on labor, another 5 000 will buy materials and the remaining 5 000  will be for my workmanship Wafula : (went and whispered in Kamlesh's ear) I will give you Ksh 15 000 of the money, take another Ksh 15 000 and give Kamau Ksh 20 000 to complete the Job Kamlesh was very confused. he gave Wafula the Project. If you lover the Joke, subscribe to this channel to get similar jokes to your inbox


Rich or poor, we will all go to a six feet grave. Do you agree? Rich or poor, we all go to a six feet grave. This is a notion the poor use to comfort themselves. but who is better? someone who has enjoyed his entire life and goes to a six feet grave or the one who has lived a miserable life and goes to a six feet grave? think about that. Why do the rich don't trust the poor? let me use a story to explain this. A rich man's Kid was once playing at the backyard. All over a sudden, she saw an emaciated cat that was nearly dying. the cat was young, and wet. In fact, it was shivering. The girl felt pity and decided to help the cat. She took the helpless cat to the house, dried him and gave him some food. The cat ate greedily and once satisfied, he looked at the girl with thankful eyes. The girl decided to make the cat her pet. She fed it daily and the cat grew healthy. Besides the cat, the girl had a dog which was her favorite pet. One day, the girl's dad realized that the...


With so much corruption in the government, citizens have been helpless of late. they turn to different kind of ways when it comes to getting money. they don't care about self image any more. as long as they put food on the table. I have come to realize that it is not really wise to judge petty thieves. perhaps if we understood what drives them to stealing we could understand them better. It is always nice to understand any cause of action before taking action on it. AFRICANS: WE WORRY ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT OURSELVES The whole country has been struck by hunger, just look around counties like Wajir and Turkana you'll realize that people are dying of hunger. This is not because the government cannot help but the government is too corrupt to even care. The humanitarian organization on the other hand are just a gullible batch. They pretend to help but the main agenda is just to find ways to raise money for their own. They only give out less than 20 percent of what they get ...


Getting rich is a dream shared by everyone in this world irrespective of age, gender or marital status. Kenya is a country which her economic gap increases daily. The rich becomes richer and the poor become poorer. So, is there a way the poor can also get rich? The answer to that question depends on the person answering it. To me the answer is YES. If Jaguar the musician Made it, Mike Sonko Made it, William Ruto made it, Octopizzo made it from the slums of Kibera, then you two can become rich. there is a secret code that people use to get rich and withhold from the others. I will share with you the codes at the end of this article but first, let us look on how you can become rich STEAL FROM THE GOVERNMENT this is one way I would never advice you to use in order to become rich although there are many people who got lucky with this way. the only way to steal from the government is to be in the government or work with someone in the government. well, to do this, you must be a politicia...


HONOUR KILLING Honour killing is the killing of a member of a family by other members who believe that the victim has brought dishonour to the family. The perpetrators believe that the victim’s action have brought shame upon the family or has violated the principles of the religion or those of the community. Some of the reasons for killing the victim may be; refusing to enter an arranged marriage, having sex outside marriage, being in a sexual relationship that is disapproved by the family, dressing in ways that are deemed promiscuous, becoming a victim of rape, renouncing faith or engaging in non-heterosexual relations. Origins of honour killings The act of honour killing has been known since ancient Roman times. The senior male within a household had the right to kill an adulterous wife or unmarried but sexually active daughter. In medieval Europe, early Jewish law mandated death by stoning an adulterous wife and her partner. Nowadays this practice is commonly associated with ...

Tips for a better relationship between husband and wife

Tips for a better relationship between husband and wife During marriage, husband and wife promise each other to be by their side throughout in this life. In most cases, things turn otherwise and there are divorces taking place daily throughout the world. In most cases after marriage, it’s not the people who change but both parties don’t know what is supposed to be done in marriage. What you are supposed to do in marriage Be partners in decision making process; make decisions as a family. Don’t let one part impose the decisions to the other. There will be much more harmony in the family every party takes part in the decision making. You should also be careful of your words before speaking; sometimes people speak without thinking especially when they are upset. When you are angry, be composed and wait until you calm down before continuing the conversation Show affection; be gentle, kind and loving to your partner whatever the situation. For a better relationship, you must be you...

Lose weight naturally

Lose weight naturally with science backed methods There are a lot of quack methods on the internet about weight loss that are not backed with any scientific research. These methods cause more harm than good. Most people on the internet are at business and not to really assist you. They are solely up to selling you their products. There are several natural methods that have proven scientifically to aid in your weight loss. Natural ways to lose weight Below are some of the natural scientifically proven methods for your weight loss that have no negative side effects; ·          Add more protein to your diet- a high protein diet is known to make you feel full and reduce your appetite. Scientific studies show that people on high protein diet eat over 400 fewer calories. Eating high protein food like eggs can have a powerful effect on your weight loss ·          Whole single ingredient foods- whole sing...

The Impact On Quality Control Of Innovations In Continuous Inspection Technology, Algorithms And The Use Of Robots In The Design And Manufacturing Stage Of Product Development

The Impact On Quality Control    Of Innovations In Continuous Inspection Technology, Algorithms And The Use Of Robots In The Design And   Manufacturing Stage Of Product Development TQM , also known as Total Quality Control (TQC), is a management tool for improving total performance. TQC means organized  Kaizen  activities involving everyone in a company – managers and workers – in a totally systemic and integrated effort toward improving performance at every level. (1000ventures, p.1). Kaizen is a Japanese word that means improvement. Kaizen basically refers to activities that continuously improve all functions in a business setting and encompasses each and every party in the business from the CEO to the tea girl to the sweeper and every department of the business including logistics, finance, purchasing, human resource etc.


You can now have a smartphone at less than 1500 shillings. you should hurry up as the offer lasts. get a chance to buy a cheap smart phone with the best features at jumia. the phone will be delivered to you and you will pay on delivery either with mobile money transfer or cash. the smart phones features include; 13megapixel camera, front and rear camera. 32 GB internal memory, 2GB ram, Gorilla screen and many more feature a smartphone can have. get phones only 5000 with the best feature. hurry up while the offer lasts. to buy the phone click here   and follow the procedure. it is easy GET MORE DETAILS HERE GET MORE DETAILS HERE GET MORE DETAILS HERE GET MORE DETAILS HERE

Cheap Women Dresses

Looking beautiful is what all women yearn for. people think that in order to look good, one must have losts of money. This is not the case. Now, Jumia gives all Kenyan women a chance to look good. Here , you will find dresses that look nice and of high quality. If you still dont believe, have a look at the following dresses. if you look at the above piece of fabrick, it is of very high quality and comes in different sizes. this is the real deal in the market. be the first to grab this fashionable cloth and stand out from the rest. the dress is delivered right at your doorstep. you will therefore have the chance to inspect the dress and pay on delivery. you can pay via mobile money or pay with cash. This high quality dress goes at only 3000 shillings and this is an offer that will end soon. you should hurry while the offer still lasts. to buy this  this dress. simply click here and place an order GET MORE OFFERS HERE GET MORE OFFERS HERE